Tuesday, January 31, 2012

With 911Truth Controlled Demolition, Entire Modern American Military Religious Empire will Collapse. It is collapsing.

The power of the truth. Of irrefutable scientific evidence. Of the justice and of the American self renewal.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

911JusticeCanada.ca: Public Canadian Investigation of 9/11 Commences. Petition of Canadian Citizens to Canada gov for new 911 investigation


Our mission is to achieve a new and truly independent investigation of the 9/11 terrorist attacks through international partnership.

We believe there is sufficient doubt about the official story to justify re-opening the 9/11 investigation. The new investigation must include a full public inquiry into the possible use of explosives that might have been the actual cause of destruction of the World Trade Center Twin Towers and Building 7.

We will use the laws of Canada and existing government resources to create and manage our investigation.

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth is Our Technical Partner

The Petition


See the petition accepted by the Clerk of the Parliament here

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Unconventional Controlled Demolition? Nuclear and/or EMP Directed Energy. I think so. Can explain observations.

Check out this website I found at saunalahti.fi

I think we need to realize and recognize that conventional controlled demolition only - as hard evidenced by nanothermite high tech explosive found in dust of WTC - CANNOT by itself account for and explain phenomena observed at WTC site.
Namely, complete mass dustification and pulverization of huge whole buildings

We need to move to recognize the unconventional controlled demolition, the one helped by nuclear devices going off, and by EMP Electro Magnetic Pulse directed energy weapons.

Nuclear Controlled Demoliton.
Nuclear EMP Controlled Demolition.

How does that sound to you?

www.ae911truth.org - www.stj911.org

and others


Important 911 inside operation video. Facts and gravest consequences. Idiot, accomplice, or nazi?

Important video, stressing the monstrous consequences and facts of 911 nuclear controlled demolition and ongoing cover-up thereof.


fb discussion
hard facts. we need to go by that... 1). nanothermite was found. ok. who manufactures it? ..... 2). 3 buildings fell definitely in a controlled demolition manner, probably also with nuclear charges. ..... that's all we have. .... and a lot of other strong but circumstantial evidence. ................... its premature at this time to talk about conclusive evidence implicating any foreign country. in my view.

www.bollyn.com - Israel involvement

Manny Badillo: What if everyone agreed to call-in to a talk-radio show every week, what if the scientific evidence was hand-delivered to the commission, the local educational facilities, at City events. What if we all tried to do this in every City in the country?
Wednesday at 1:21am · Like

Manny Badillo: What if we identified the municipalities that offered direct legislative initiatives that allow for a vote on the considerations in each county, in each state? What if we identified the municipalities that allow a citizens initiative to be placed directly on the ballot for people to vote on?
Wednesday at 1:21am · Like

Manny Badillo: Anything is possible when we put our heart into it, especially if there is apparent need. Why can't We be the media, and act as the press, in the public arena, to inform the common citizen about all the facts?

John Edward Kendrick: To our detriment, many leaders in the 911 truth movement are really misleaders. Ample evidence exists to convene grand juries and issue indictments. Aid to Israel should cease immediately--and the USA citizens demand reparations from Israel.

Keenan Roberts: I would say that the largest of the 9/11 truth groups - the Northern California Truth Alliance - was targeted for infiltration very early on. That group has been infiltrated by Jim Hoffman and his crew of disinformation agents from 2003-2004.

key 9/11 truth sites, such as 911Blogger and, TruthAction.org, and 911TruthNews ...... www.krunchd.com/911 ... www.krunchd.com/911truth

Dr Judy, she has more than 1 science title, wrote many papers, which most of us would not understand at all. She SUED fed gov for 911 science fraud. .... Well what have you done?? Maybe you should be much more appreciative of her, and her work on behalf of 911Truth.
www.drjudywood.com .. www.ae911truth.org .. @911news

Lihop - let it happen, is forever dead, with nanothermite proven in Wtc dust. Controlled demolition needs months in advance.

now for 911 nuclear controlled demolition, at this point, i prefer to stress hard facts - and that is, for now
=nanothermite found in the dust of WTC, and free fall perhaps=. ...

That means, controlled demolition. That means inside false flag make-it-happen-operation. ... the rest is, unfortunately, speculation, even though strongly suggestive or well supported ..

Pentagon, Shanksville, we need to understand that it cannot be proven at this point what happened there. ...

Not at least until the lie detector depositions of all then top gov officials, and other thorough investigations. ..

So go ahead and argue about it, but its just theories at this point.

www.DrJudyWood.com .. ?
i think her work for 911 is to be appreciated ...

Observations, facts she is stating are valid - a lot of unusual phenomena at WTC site.

Id lean more towards nuclear charges going off then directed energy. or perhaps both. ---------------

I think one thing is clear and we should agree on that - conventional controlled demolition, nanothermite only - CAN NOT, by itself, account for, COULD NOT have, alone, caused events and phenomena observable at WTC.

Namely, complete mass dustification and pulverization of huge whole buildings, and other unconventional phenomena observed.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

9/11 Documentaries, Videos: 911docs.net, TopDocumentaryFilms.com. 911 Resources. Inside Operation.

"If they do not contain internet, they will lose their power." For internet would have stopped Hitler from committing the same war crimes. Cannot conquer countries and peoples with violence. Colonialism is a violent crime of powerful against weak. .... 91

"If they do not contain internet, they will lose their power."
For internet would have stopped Hitler from committing his same aggressive war crimes.

Cannot conquer countries and peoples with violence.

Colonialism is a violent crime of powerful against weak. ....

911 is controlled demolition therefore inside false flag.


Monday, January 23, 2012

Good Lord Hollywood! New 9/11 Investigation, The Movie. Hollywood Stars Seek to Make Feature Film Focused on WTC Demolitions


Good Lord Hollywood!! One movie that could actually be worth it?! :) What happened ?!

Change of name, to me, is welcomed. "A Violation of Trust."

Ed Asner, Howard Cohen, and see other Stars of the Truth, the Conscience, the Bravery and the utter Patriotic Duty!

Go Usa!

Undo the grave damages, done unto us - unto 911 victims, and unto the world, unto the all fallen in these flag false wars of conquest!

So help us Hollywood!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

US Government's Usage of Atomic Bombs - Domestic - WTC. thePriceofLiberty.org

via thepriceofliberty.org

The factual evidence indicates that our government is using and has used 3rd or possibly 4th generation hydrogen bombs domestically and internationally.

The evidence for international usage is not quite as strong as the domestic usage

400+ first responder radiation cancers indicate MICRO FUSION. Only nuclear explosion, with controlled demolition, can explain the WTC dustification at free fall.

were we supposed to not to get to know this?

Writings of Finnish Military Expert on 9/11. Excellent info. 911 false flag inside operation. Fourth Generation Nuclear Weapons.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

US military industrial complex and ruling oil cartels made a grave, fatal error by attacking New York in a false flag operation, in order to attain solid pretext for conquering the world. War is a crime. Will it ever stop?

Another error of US military complex rulers is a continuation of 911 and connected false flags coverup.

But what would YOU do being in their shoes? From this point of view, sacrificial ritual of 911 war pretext is a point of no return, means all out world war on planet Earth.

Another error of US military complex rulers is a continuation of 911 and connected false flags coverup.

Another error of US military complex rulers is a continuation of 911 and connected false flags coverup.

But what would YOU do being in their shoes? From this point of view, sacrificial ritual of 911 war pretext is a point of no return, means all out world war on planet Earth.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Russian Military Getting Ready For US And Israel To Attack Iran. Exercises in Caucasus

Russia will be holding a series of military exercises in the North Caucasus, Armenia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia this fall, reportedly in preparation for a possible U.S.-Israeli attack on Iran.

Russia vetoed UN resolution to attack Syria, but Russian foreign minister  Lavrov says: Russia can't stop military attack.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Is Iran a Threat? Everybody is a threat to somebody. If you have weapons, you are a threat to somebody.

Important is that NOBODY uses weapons, wars, as state terror in preemptive = aggressive wars to start a mass killing = war, and nobody justifies initiation of war by "existence of weapons". . 

"They are threat because they have weapons, so we will attack and kill them" is the same fascist colonial conquest as saying "we want slaves and to rule and own everything".  Not doable. But many have tried. Will it continue?

This perpetual use of violence is why, eventually, the human race will end, being destroyed and will disappear from the planet Earth.

By capitalist aggressive war crimes.


The usual formula the better killer will survive is no more valid.

Russia will not tolerate attack on Iran or Syria. But did they tolerate attack on Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya?


“Iran is our neighbour, and if Iran is involved in any military action, it’s a direct threat to our security,” Russia’s outgoing ambassador to NATO, Dmitry Rogozin, told reporters in the Belgian capital Brussels on Friday.

“After the Libyan experience, Russia will do everything to stop this scenario from happening, Syria is much more important than Libya from Russia’s point of view,” said Fyodor Lukyanov.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Does N Korea have indefinite detention no cause? No. But then, they have 0 unemployment, 0 homelessness, 0 crime.

Its that socialism contract - give away some freedoms and risks, and be provided for, and bound by, the society.

There needs to be a balance between society, communal interests, and individual rights.

This does not mean to give a free green light to a mafia cartel exploitation war crime wild capitalism.

N Korea has healthcare for all human beings citizens.

The day Americans will have to fear Congress, fear their government rulers, that day Earth lost a Great Brave Nation.

America will have become then just another failed dictatorship.
Does it have to be this way?
Are we watching too much tv, being full awash in a government and private commercial propaganda, to think right, or to think at all?

People power. Power to indefinitely detain senators that voted against US Constitution.

Liberty, Justice and Peace!

People now have the power to indefinitely detain Senators who voted for indefinite detention without cause.

Are you afraid you'll lose your job? Then you are a slave. New age slave. Will they fire you for talking on Facebook? Slave police state.

Are you afraid if you talk, you will lose health care /life/, lose your car and house?

Is this fear controlling you?

Then you a new age new world order slave.

Liberty, Justice and Peace.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Who could be indefinite suspect to a no trial military? Somebody who says government committed most serious crimes, and there is court admissible evidence with that, super-sized?

911 controlled demolition false flag. World in danger.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Next Appropriate Question Analyzing 911 Controlled Demolition. Was it smart? Of course not. For most of us.

I guess the next appropriate question to ask analyzing 911 controlled demolition inside operation is: Is it a smart, a legal and an appropriate way for /US/ government to fight terrorism by making it happen, not only letting prospective terrorists do it, and then annihilate them, and their friends, invading countries desired to be implicated.
The simple answer is no, but there is a lot aspects to this.
As we will see, 911 false flag crime is quickly turning into political discourse. That is one reason it is so difficult to approach it. Even by specialists. The calls and conclusions will be political.
Because if a private person murders, it is a crime, but if government kills, it is a political act, as wars are organised state sanctioned terror.

Another question: Is it technically legal for US government to carry out false flag operations?

Of course the biggest problem with 911 false flag is that it was carried out on US soil, and involved US civilian casualties.
These New York civilians are not soldiers, did not sign up for fight, as for example Pearl Harbour soldiers.
Is there such a thing as a just false flag?
I can imagine a just war, but is then a false flag justified, smart and advisable?
Example in question might be Pearl Harbor let it happen inside op, to rally behind a defensive, just war against Nazism ...
But as you see, answering will be making political calls.
Another answer to the main question also is NO, because in this 911 case, the aims and goals are not just.
The wars pretexted are not just, but aggressive conquests.
And also because the cause for which terror side stands for - defending and avenging the Iraq genocidal destruction in 1991 and on, is, arguably, just, from the standpoint of impartial observer. 

As you see, these calls can be involved, quite political and philosophical in their nature. That's why nobody adressess them, not at least publicly.

That is how complex 911 inside operation ramifications are. That is also why they did it. It is almost self-screwing.
Another fine and complex question is : what does the 911Truth Movement want?
To reveal, publicly and officially, the truth about 911? - therefore the fact that 911 is false flag inside operation? .. To call it criminal?
OK, I'm for it, but do you know or realize what, and how huge, consequences this statement would mean?
VERY tremendous consequences for this country. Maybe even cessation of its existence in present form.
International guilt and reparations responsibility. Rogue state and rogue system admission.
911Truth is quite diverse movement, many would like to see differrent outcomes perhaps, yet the simple act of officially revealing, recognizing and accepting the truth and facts will have preemptive uniform blanket tremendous devastating consequences for the whole US and its present ruling elite.
And for the entire world also, as, Russians will start asking - didn't you know, Mr Putin? So, are you, and are people of the world, stupid, ignorants, criminals or fascist?
You may start asking this question yourself now - it is how polarizing this 911 false flag attack on the world and on a peace is.

The dimensions of complexity and cruciality of 911 inside operation are simply so monstrous, that it is practically self-screwing.

Common people do not want to hear and talk about it. Mainstream US and world capitalist propaganda outlets will not touch it.

But this all, all analysis, us, we do not matter too much.
What really matters is a discourse, a dialog and relationship between American and Russian nuclear, electromagnetic, chemical and biological weapons arsenals.

How these two guys decide and/or fight it out, that is the way it will be. ... We, the hordes of human beings, we practically do not matter. ... We are practically dead already, anyway. You see.

That is why it is so difficult to even talk about, to mention or to try to grasp the facts and their consequences regarding 911Truth controlled demolition inside false flag operation
That is why they did it too.

And then some - oil money, drugs money, war money. And trying to resolve the tragic Arab Izraeli conflict.

“I think 9/11 was an inside job. I just don’t know how far inside it went. And I would like to find out how far inside it went.” Cindy Sheehan

Very smart position.
Inside it is all the way. US side took over and made it happen. False flag operation.

What is not inside, perhaps, was a wish of some Arab resistance, bin Ladin, to avenge brutal bombing destruction of Iraq in 1991 Kuwait War, and subsequent occupation of 2/3 of Iraq air space humiliation.

They would never succeed if it wasn't for US air defenses standdown and wiring of 3 WTC towers with controlled demolition charges, and taking over this operation.

Nanothermite was found in the dust of WTC. The way 3 towers fell, 911 can be nothing but a controlled demolition.
Therefore, an inside false flag operation.

Per irrefutable scientific evidence, per common sense.


Saturday, January 7, 2012

There needs to be profound real reform of American political and economic regime. Otherwise, human race will not survive on planet Earth.

Capitalism with human face and justice.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

9/11 Summary. Highly-Credible People Question 9/11. Link list at krunchd.com/911

Monday, January 2, 2012

Mind Control Through Extra Low Frequency Waves. Insert, control behaviors, moods, disable brain across large areas. Brain Bomb. Programmed Assassins.


conveying undetectable instructions to a programmed assassin

animal brain waves could be altered directly by ELF fields

very easy to use electromagnetic fields to disrupt the human brain because the brain, itself, was an electrically mediated organ.

“brain bomb”. A bomb could be dropped in the middle of a battlefield which would produce microwaves, incapacitating the minds of soldiers within a circumscribed area.

Electronic Dissolution of Memory (EDOM)
excess of acetyl choline in the brain can interfere with the memory process and control.
excess amounts of acetyl choline can be artificially produced, through both the administration of drugs or through the use of radio waves.

As a result, the awareness of the person skips over those minutes during which he is subjected to the radio signal. Memory is distorted, and time-orientation is destroyed.

There is already in use a small EDOM generator/transmitter which can be concealed on the body of the person.

Contact with this person, a casual handshake or even just a touch, transmits a tiny electronic charge plus an ultra-sonic signal tone which for a short period will disturb the time-orientation of the person affected
pulsed microwave audiograms, or the microwave analog of the sound vibrations of spoken words, were delivered to his brain in such a way that he was able to understand the words that were spoken.

Military and undercover uses of such a device might include driving a subject crazy with inner voices in order to discredit him, or conveying undetectable instructions to a programmed assassin.

using microwave devices, without preconditioning, he made animals act and look like electronic toys.

U.S. Iraq Occupation Invasion 2003-2011 Ends in Genocide, Total Destruction of Country, Withdrawal.

4500 US soldiers dead, 45 000 wounded.

1-2 millions Iraqi civilians dead. 5 million Iraqi refugees, 2 millions forced to feel the country.

Destruction of most of Iraq’s infrastructure, including the water and electricity supply, and what was once the best medical organization in the region.

The capitalist imperial occupation war has wreaked enormous havoc on Iraq’s social structure.

Systematic abuses in prison system for resistance fighters.

Once the initial invasion and occupation failed to establish a stable puppet Iraqi regime, Washington purposely seized on and exacerbated divisions among ethnic and religious groups in Iraq.

The U.S. separated the Kurdish region and set quotas for Sunni and Shiite groups in the government, using a “divide and conquer” strategy.

Despite Pentagon assurances to the contrary, there is still much violence.

Country, which once had one of the highest literacy rates in the Middle East, now has one of the worst.
”While Iraq boasted a record low illiteracy rate for the Middle East in the 1980s, illiteracy jumped to at least 20 percent in 2010.
Moreover, illiteracy among women in Iraq, at 24 percent, is more than double that of men (11 percent)

Poverty, crime, prostitution - real capitalist imperial reality seized the country, once stable with good lives for everybody under a socialist autocrat president.

U.S. still maintains a sizable military presence in Iraq and will for some time to come.

They will rely primarily on nearly 20,000 private “contractors,” i.e., mercenaries, who earned a fearsome reputation during the war for their rapacious and murderous policies toward civilians.

U.S. claims that it is there to provide “stability” and train Iraqis to protect themselves from “foreign enemies” are patently false and absurd.

Today, nearly all of the 700,000-strong Iraqi puppet army is positioned throughout the country to repress the population.

U.S. forces will be across the border in Kuwait, kept there just in case Iraq’s puppet government deviates from the pursuit of U.S.

9/11 Controlled Demolition important links

  • Links 9/11, old guard: 911Blogger.com - 911Truth.org - 911Review.com - Visibility911.com - 911Research.WTC7.net

  • New events: AE911Truth.org - World911Truth.org - Wacla.org - STJ911.org - JournalOf911Studies.com - 911TruthNews.com - 911oz.com . list at krunchd.com/911

  • The big divide, seminal event in 9/11 Truth Movement - Dr. Jones, Prof Harrit et al. - 9/11 Nanothermite Controlled Demolition Study of 2009 Paper. Original. The game is over. We need polygraph questioning.
  • Friendfeed.com/911Truth